Wednesday, August 13, 2014

OurPets IQ Treat Ball™ food dispenser

This food dispenser is similar to the Contempo Tessa, except for the fact that it is shaped like a ball for easy rolling.

The IQ Treat Ball comes apart into 3 pieces, the bottom which you fill with food, the middle which has an adjustable opening and the top which has one hole on the top!

I would say that this treat ball is a bit easier than the earlier compared Contempo Tessa. 
The next level up for the treat ball is OurPets Smarter Toys Buster Cube, which is too difficult for my dogs.

Contempo Tessa food dispenser

Here's a new type of food dispenser! The Contempo Tessa is weighted on the bottom, like an old school bop-bag where you hit it and it comes back up.
That's what this dispenser does. It has two holes in the bottom which can open and close to change the difficulty.

We give Max his dinner in the Tessa sometimes and it has worked so far!